Some scenery  

Posted by WhiteUnicorn in

Lallor Valley (Chauntea's Rest)

Millicent's house

Character portraits part 1  

Posted by WhiteUnicorn

Briar Silvercloud, Cleric of Sune/Bard


Millicent Winterbane, Good Witch

Elnora Winterbane, badass Sorceress

Baldric Beaverstump, Bard

Grukk Grumminborg, Orc Barbarian

Lara Hollyblight, Elf ne'er-do-well

Durrin Brugaxe, Barkeep

Adventure 1.5  

Posted by WhiteUnicorn in

The Serpentcoil Mountains have been crossed, and Helga’s Glance lies ten miles away. The mountains have given way to beautiful green rolling hills. Trees are starting to bud, and birdsong fills the air. Daffodils and early blooms nod in the cool spring breeze. The road is pleasant and the surrounding fields are mostly unspoilt and beautiful. There are anti-poaching signs posted, because these lands belong to Duke Flargle.

There is the smell of food cooking. It smells like roasted meat, and the baking of pies. It smells heavenly.

The team sees a huge stately gate in a stone wall on one side of the road. The gates are unguarded and the gates are open and decorated with white and pink flowers and ribbons.

As they stand at the gate, a few dozen people come running out. Most are covered in food. It looks like cake icing.

The avenue is about half a mile to the duke’s huge home. It is lined with beautiful trees.
The team encounters more people fleeing the party.
They will tell the team that they were there for the Duke’s wedding, and that suddenly the cake came alive and ate one of the waiters.

The cake was beaten to slush and stopped moving, but then the canapĂ© table came alive and bit off someone’s finger. And then there was a roar and banging and crashes from the estate house. And some creatures that looked like zombies came out, which is when most of these people fled.

The team continue on and encounter more people running away.

They come to the gardens of the home. The house is a castle with a moat, and the gardens are beautiful, those that have not been trampled. The wedding was being held outside, and the lawns and tents have been shredded, chairs lying everywhere, and some people milling about.

Briar Silvercloud is there, healing the injured. He is covered in cake, but is still devastatingly handsome.

Briar was officiating the ceremony. He had the rings exchanged, and suddenly the cake came alive.

It ate one of the waiters. Luckily, the cake was killed, and the waiter was rescued from its insides. Briar has been doing triage on minor injuries, like bite wounds and a few missing fingers and toes.

A few people armed with knives and forks are hunting through the gardens for the finger sandwiches that may have gotten away.

Jemma is milling about in her splattered wedding dress.
When she put the ring on the duke’s finger there was a flash from the ring, and the all hell broke loose.

The Duke has taken his guards and rushed into the castle. He has no been heard from.

A cook reports that the kitchen and cellars downstairs have been successfully locked by the Duke.

The team can cross the drawbridge and enter the castle. One of the guards is posted at the door. He stops them and asks them their business. Briar comes with them.

Inside the castle, they look for the entrance to the cellar. The Duke and two of his men have barricaded the door and are trying to decide what to do. The Duke is bleeding from a cut to his head, and one of the men is unconscious and covered in gravy. The other appears to have a broken arm and is dripping gravy as well.
Duke mentions Duchess of Norfunk and her jealousy.
One of the cooks is unaccounted for and the Duke’s Steward, Helmsley, is down there too.

The duke promises 600 gold coins and the wedding gift of their choice if they will help.
The ring will not come off his finger.
A magic check shows that it is no longer maintaining the spell. It just activated it.

Monsters encountered so far:

Meat Zombies
Heads made of hamburger meat
Bodies made of ribs and ham bones.

Custard Cube
Like gelatinous cubes, but made of custard.

Spaghetti Snakes
Want to kill you

The party has searched all the unlocked rooms and has rescued Mr Gooba, a cook, and Helmsley, the Duke's valet, who has given them the key to the kitchens.

Miniature Portrait: Elanor & Raca  

Posted by Reis O'Brien in , , ,


Also painted by Andrew!

Miniature Portrait: Tyke  

Posted by Reis O'Brien in , ,


Painted by Andrew!

Chapter the Second  

Posted by WhiteUnicorn

The adventurers, having killed the orcs, carried the dead boy into Duvik's Pass. The streets of the town were almost empty. Some townspeople were out, but all looked careworn and unhappy. They were used to travellers, but some of them shot the companions curious glances before going on about their business. The town itself was haphazardly constructed. It was clear that there were a lot of newly constucted, but shoddy homes and a few small storefronts, most of which seemed closed in the spring twilight.

The only place that was clearly open was the Laughing Dog Inn, where Nakk decided to cool his heels. The other three had spotted a temple, and took the boy there.

Father Samael welcomed Tyke, Lucian, and Elanor to the temple of Waukeen. He took the poor dead boy from them, and told them that the boy's mother had died that very morning of the plague, and that his father had been a miner and had been missing for two weeks.

The basement of the temple was filled with bodies that the half-elf priest had been preparing for burial. Elanor tried to discern the cause of the plague that had swept the village. She sensed there was an unnatural glimmer of necromancy that clung to the corpses, and made up her mind to seek out the cause of the unnatural disease and destroy it.
The sight of the dead was too much for Lucian, who was moved by a darkness and sorrow he could not put into words. he left for the Laughing Dog to find Nakk, and a drink to soothe his troubled spirit.

Back at the bar, Lucien found Nakk trying his best to impress a serving wench, who was clearly a little nauseated by him. She warmed right up to Lucian, however, who had no idea how to handle her flirtations. There were only two patrons in the bar: An old man by the fireplace, and a wealthy-looking thin man in a shadowy corner, reading some documents.

Lucien sat down with the old man, and found out more about the plague, and the history of Duvik's Pass.

PC Profile: Lucian  

Posted by WhiteUnicorn in , ,

Lucien, the Human Fighter

Lucian was raised by his father on a small farm near Wanderer's Friend. He has only vague memories of his mother, who mysteriously vanished when he was less than a year old. Lucian's father was a mercenary in his younger years, and met his now estranged wife during a campaign in the frozen north. The sword Lucian carries, a bastard sword of exceptional make with a blade of blackened iron, originally belonged to his maternal grandfather and was part of his mother's dowry. Called the "Ebon Talon" according to the inscription on its blade, the sword was given to Lucian on his eighteenth birthday. Sword in hand, Lucian left the farm only days later in search of his mother, whom he both deeply resents and desperately longs to see again. This longing is slowly turning to desperation as he searches for answers regarding the unexplained sense of dread that has grown within him in recent years - answers his dreams say she has.

Lucian has the odd ability to sense familial connections between humanoids. It is especially strong with immmediate family members. He can almost unerringly sense how people are related through blood.


My photo
I was born when the first Unicorn Fairy pooped for the first time, and from that poop emerged a beautiful shining poop-flower, and from that poop-flower emerged I.